Dienstag, 22. Okt. 2024 von 15:00 bis 17:00 Uhr DFKI-Saarbrücken Weiterführung der Reihe Health.AI Reallabor – Visite #2 Besuch des Deutsch-Tschechischen Innovationslabor für Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration in Industrie 4.0 Wie lässt sich...
mehr lesenKIST Europe
KIST Europe is a branch laboratory of the Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST), which is the largest national lab system in South Korea. It is a government-funded research institute, founded in 1996 and located on the campus of Saarland University. KIST Europe is focused on environmental and biomedical technologies, and currently has more than 80 employees including researchers, postdocs, students, and administration/technical staffs.